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Gum Grafting

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Gum grafting restores receding gums and enhances oral health and aesthetics. For those experiencing gum recession, Sonrisas Dental Center offers personalized gum grafting in Austin to restore a confident smile.

The Ultimate Solution To Reverse Gum Recession

Gum grafting is a highly effective dental procedure aimed at reversing gum recession. During the treatment, our skilled periodontists carefully graft tissue onto the exposed tooth roots, restoring the gumline to its natural position. This enhances the appearance of your smile, reduces sensitivity, and protects against further gum deterioration. With our expertise in gum grafting, you can confidently achieve optimal oral health and a revitalized smile.

Reasons For Gum Grafting:

  • Receding gums
  • Tooth root exposure
  • Increased tooth sensitivity
  • Gum disease (periodontal disease)
  • Aesthetic enhancement
  • Prevention of further gum recession
  • Protection against tooth decay and loss
  • Improved oral health and hygiene

How Gum Recession Occurs

Gum recession often occurs due to various factors that can lead to the gradual wearing away of gum tissue. Aggressive brushing habits, poor oral hygiene, gum disease, genetic predisposition, hormonal changes, and teeth grinding are common contributors to gum recession. As the gums recede, the tooth roots become exposed, increasing sensitivity and creating an aesthetic concern. Gum grafting can reverse the condition and restore a healthy, beautiful smile.

How Gum Grafting Reverses Recession

Gum grafting reverses gum recession through a process called guided tissue regeneration. Our skilled periodontists carefully harvest healthy gum tissue from another area of the mouth or use an artificial graft. The graft is placed over the exposed tooth roots, creating a protective barrier. As the body heals, the grafted tissue integrates with the existing gums, stimulating cell growth and blood vessel formation. This helps restore the lost gum tissue, promote new attachment, and reverse the effects of gum recession.

Not Just An Aesthetic Procedure

Gum grafting is not merely a cosmetic procedure. Beyond enhancing your smile’s aesthetics, this treatment plays a crucial role in improving oral health. By addressing receding gums and exposed tooth roots, gum grafting reduces tooth sensitivity, protects against decay and tooth loss, and prevents further gum recession. With our specialized care and expertise in gum grafting, you can achieve a beautiful smile and optimal oral well-being.

How Gum Grafting Is Performed

Step 1. Initial Consultation & Examination
During your first visit, our expert periodontists will thoroughly examine your gums and teeth. They will assess the extent of gum recession and discuss the most suitable gum grafting technique for your needs. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and address any concerns before proceeding with the procedure.

Step 2. Selecting the Grafting Method
Based on the evaluation, the periodontist will determine the appropriate grafting method for you. There are three common types of gum grafts:

  • Connective Tissue Graft: This method involves making a small incision in the roof of your mouth to collect a small piece of tissue from underneath the surface.
  • Free Gingival Graft: In cases where patients have thin gums, a small amount of tissue is taken from the roof of the mouth and secured to the area of gum recession.
  • Pedicle Graft: For those with adequate gum tissue near the receding area, the periodontist will create a flap of gum tissue near the exposed roots and shift it over the gumline.

Step 3. Gingival Graft Placement
Before the gum grafting procedure begins, you will be given local anesthesia to ensure your comfort. Once the area is numb, the dentist will cleanse your mouth to reduce the risk of infection. The selected grafting method will be performed by the periodontist with precision and care. They will delicately place the graft onto the exposed tooth roots or recessed gumline, securing it with fine sutures.

Step 4. Post-Operative Care
After gum grafting, you will receive detailed post-operative instructions to aid the healing process. You may experience mild discomfort and swelling, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication and cold compresses. It is essential to follow a soft diet and maintain good oral hygiene practices to support the healing of the graft. To monitor your progress, you will have scheduled follow-up appointments with the periodontist.

Side Effects & Recovery

After gum grafting in Austin, you may experience some side effects, including mild discomfort, swelling, and sensitivity at the graft site. However, these are typically temporary and can be managed with prescribed medications and proper post-operative care. You will be advised to follow a soft diet and maintain excellent oral hygiene during recovery. Most patients can resume regular activities within a few days, and the gum tissue will gradually heal and integrate over the following weeks.

Restore Your Gumline With Gum Grafting In Austin

Sonrisas Dental Center offers advanced gum grafting in Austin to restore your receding gumline. Don’t let gum recession affect your smile and oral health. Our skilled periodontists are ready to provide personalized care and guide you through the process. Schedule a consultation to explore how gum grafting in Austin can rejuvenate your gums, alleviate sensitivity, and enhance your confident smile.

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